Discovery: Rivals: ‘Jackie Kennedy vs. Marilyn Monroe’

Marilyn Monroe

Source:Discovery– Hollywood Babydoll Marilyn Monroe.

“Discovery Civilisation. Rivals: Jackie Kennedy Vs Marilyn Monroe.”


I’ve made this point before, but the more I read about Marilyn Monroe and the more documentaries I’ve seen about her this point just becomes even more true and this video is just another example of that.

Marilyn Monroe lived in another world and probably should’ve been getting therapy and being treated for alcoholism by the mid-1950s or so. (Assuming those services were around.) No way Jack Kennedy dumps the First Lady of the United States, someone who did live in the real world and was college educated and politically represented what JFK needed. No way JFK dumps Jackie for Marilyn.

To state the obvious: Jack Kennedy was never a one woman man. He never met a woman in his entire forty-six year life and said something to the effect: “Damn, that is the one woman for me. I hook up with her make that relationship work, I’ll never need another woman”.

Marilyn represented what Jack wanted, but was smart enough to never make a real play for her. A goddess a sex symbol, a woman who quite frankly sets guys rockets off so high that they can’t bring them down to Earth. Especially when they are wearing tight outfits, like tight skirts and tight denim jeans, things that Marilyn wore both and a wore them a lot. Especially considering her time and era.

Jackie Kennedy was a very beautiful and very cute woman who was also pretty sexy physically. But that wasn’t the main attraction for Jack when it came to her. He wanted her mind and what she represented in the political and social world and the social status that came with being involved with a woman like that. All things that Marilyn didn’t have being fairly unstable and seeing things that simply weren’t there and not real. Thinking that she could have a lot more than is really possible and everything else.

About Erik Schneider

I use the American Liberal photo as the cover photo for this blog, because that’s exactly what I am. And no, not in the stereotypical, sort of pop culture sense of what an American Liberal is supposed to be. But someone who represents what American liberalism, as well as European liberalism, and perhaps the liberalism of the rest of the world outside of the United States. Liberals are people who believe in defense of liberal democracy, as well as the preservation of liberal democracy. And of course we also believe in liberal democracy with all the individual rights, and other liberal values that come from liberal democracy, the liberal democratic form of government, like equal opportunity, equal rights, equal justice, property rights, individual freedom and freedom of choice for everybody, as well as limited but responsible government, and fiscal responsibility
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